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The Modena PigeonW. F. Holmes

Click for larger image Click for larger imge While several decent authors and Modena fanciers have contributed to body of Modena knowledge, W. F. Holmes is clearly the great fore runner for the English language. He can't take us on to the current state since this book was written back in 1921, but he certainly can and does provide a wealth of first hand knowledge and from his perspective some recent history of the Modenas in the previous century. With this book of Holmes' and more recent works one can accurately draw the development of this breed from the early to mid 1800s till now. Something nearly impossible to do for many breeds. While the book has several drawings, it also sports actual photographs of the birds of the day, providing a very accurate representation of the birds of his period.
The book was printed as a paperback and time has taken its toll on these relatively rare issues. The publisher pasted in the colored print from the Feathered World, December 1913.They were folded to meet the size of the book, much as a map. A must have for any pigeon historian and Modena breeders.
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The African Owl John Izzo

Click to see larger image of book cover When it comes to African Owls, there is no denying that he is one of if not the father of African Owls in America. John covers all the bases of African Owls in his 129 page hardback book published around 1982. While the publication date may be some time ago, this book is absolutely mint, really not showing any signs of its age. Perhaps it was actually printed at some later date.

The Show Racer Douglas McClary

Click for larger image Click for larger image "The show racer is a pigeon of beauty, dignity and grace. Presented in the show pen in peak condition it is a joy to see and it is little wonder that its popularity is ever growing." Thus Douglas McClary opens his introduction to a book that is a vivid account of the show racer as it is today. He tells you how to enjoy your showing; how to keep records; how to prepare for a show: he describes the ideal show loft and the fittings and accessories that are best for it — in fact, he tells you all you want to know about this fascinating sport, and passes on the knowledge he has gained since his interest was first aroused when, as a boy of twelve, he was taken to his first pigeon show. This 1978 edition is as near mint as one can get. I have listed one as excellent only because a book over 30 years old can't possibly be mint, but it is darn close. There were also subsequent additions printed in 1984, proving how popular this publication really is.

West of England Flying Tumbler Jeffrey Oldham

Click for larger image Jeffrey Oldham's book is a wonderfully printed hard cover dedicated to the Wests Tumbler performing breed from the country of its undisputed development. Although the saying is that you should not judge a book by its cover, in this instance with the "gold" embossed cover, it is a good indication of the quality that lies inside. This book is relatively new being published in England in 1980 when Jeffrey was at the height of his game and respected by many who enjoyed the sport with him. His list of acknowledgments, including a few that had already passed, is a virtual who's who in the early development not only of the breed, but of how the sport developed as well. While the book can't be considered a full treatise by itself at only at just 90 pages, it covers the basis. There are chapters on Origin, Type, Breeding, Housing, Flying, Exhibiting, and Organizations promoting the hobby. There are several very nice photographs of the early birds, which make good study for the variation in type we find today.