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Perfection Colombophile; Richard Wittouck: 1925 pb 388pp

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This is an encyclopedia type of paperback, in french, describing development of racing pigeons in French Belgium during 1925, and the men involved in that progress. . It is really is very good condition for a paperback of nearly a hundred years of age with some foxing and tanning of the pages, but not too severe. This work is the earliest one that I have sen that dealt with eye sign and has a colored plate describing the variations in the colors and patterns. I don't know if eye sign still carries the same cache today as it did a hundred years ago, but it certainly still makes for interesting reading.

Wittouck was an avid writer about pigeons


Richard Wittouck Supplement 1928 17 page pamphlet

Click for larger imageThis work deals with illness and their recommended medical treatment programs. The cover pages, both front and rear, have a pharmacist's supplier's stamp, which can be seen in the images in purple ink.



Felix Sulbout; Les Races de Pigeon 1916

This work in French covers not only homing pigeons (voliere) but also fancy pigeons (exotiques) known at the time. It actually covers many breeds and is replete with line drawings of the birds. An excellent work of the period. Soft covers very good. 96 ppClick for larger image Click for larger imageClick for larger image


Louis Brechemin La Basse Cour Productive: Les Pigeons Hardback 1914

Very good condition tight with very only minor tanning. Covers the breeds and proper methods of breeding and included a few actual early photographs as well as line drawings more common for the period. 343 pages Click for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image

Ounz der Taubenzucht: Weimar 1876 (reprinted 1988)

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Click for larger imageThis is a reprint of Wimar's encyclopedia of German pigeon breeds seen in 1876. Besides the colorful pictures it provides an excellent history of the many breeds that were available then.

Is is in excellent condition.. The book is rather large at about 11x8.5 inches.

German language


Die Movchentauben: Dr. Paul Trubenbach 1923

This is a compendium of the Owl breeds in Germany in 1923. It provides some of the earliest photographs available for these breeds along with excellent drawings. Along with the pictures, it provides the known history of these breeds up to that time.

While the pages have started to yellow, they are still in very good copndition.

German language

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Haltung und Zucht von Rassentauben: Muller, Stach, Koster

Click for larger image Click for larger imageClick for larger imageA very nice 203 page hardback describing pigeon breeds and identifying characteristics of many breeds. Including short histories. Written by three of the best known German authors and breeders, it actually excells in describing the aspects and characteristic of the breeds, from feathers feet, tails, beaks, plumage and all other lilttle things to look for.

German language


Altdeutsche Movchen: Fritz Messerschmidt, Ralph Scheschi, Thomas Zoller

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A near mint paperback by various authors describing the Old German Owl and their history in their country of origin. Filled with color photographs within 98 pages

German language


Die Taube Rassetuaben: Many authors

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This rather large book at 400 pages was written my many contributors, including Habil, Engelmann, and Gederfuhrend. It provides, in great detail, just how the specific breed of pigeons should look, similar to a standard book. It also decsribes the changes that have occured to the breeds over time. While the cover is worn, it is still quite good.

German language


Kurzschnabler Europas: Waldermar Brunck

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This is an excellent 140 page paperback covering all the European short face breeds. Nearly every breed is provided with a photograph of the actual bird. Published in 1987

German language


Tauben: Dausien

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A more moderan lexicon of pigeon breeds with wonderful colored drawings of the breeds. It is a mear mint hard back covering 224 pages with an equally wonderful jacket.

German language


Fasse Tauben : Heinrich Mackrott

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A good quality hardback of several pigeon breeds and how to raise them, including just a teaser on the genetics involved in producing these beautiful feathered creaturs.

Mint near brand new condition.

German language


Haustauben: Schutte

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Brand new mint hardback, detailing several breeds within xx pages

Mint near brand new condition.

German language


Rasse-Tuaben: Erich MullerClick for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image

One of the most respected German breeder, Erich Muller defines just what makes a perfect specimen should consist of. This hardback printed in 1981 describes the breeds, how to breed them and health in general. One of his earlier works covers the necessary material in 182 pages.

Excellent condition.

German language


Rasse-Und Sporttaubenzucht: Fritz Juhre & Fritz KockelClick for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image

Once owned by Ernst Wagner, this 360 page hardback comver all the essentials of the sport and hobby.It is in very good condition for it's age, being printed in 1952. There is a nice double page colored insert of several breeds. Unfortunately, there is an ink stain on the bottom pages that shows on the cover and edges but does not bleed onto the pages themselves.

Very Good condition

German language


Die Welt Der Tauben: Edmund Zurth

This work is rather substantial at 180 Pages. While there are only a couple of colored plates, it is packed with black and white photographs of many breeds, and people with pigeons of course. I am not sure of the date it was published, but from the photos, I would guess during the 1940s or 50s.

Good condition

German language

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100 jaar Ornithophilia 1894-1994

Click for larger image In the Dutch (Nederlands) language. Mint hardback with mint jacket 140pp. many color photographs.

MövchenTauben International:  Owls Frills TurbitsWerner Assmus

Click for larger imageThis is a very nice German language book about the history (and more) of Turbits and Owls up through 1979 when the book was published. Even if one can't read German, the pictures tell a very solid story about the breed. Many of the later photographs are in printed in color, but since many of the older photographs were taken in black and white that is the way they are here.
$60 Mint hardback 1979 269pp

Dictionnaire du Pigeon VoyageurGuy Brasseur D' Veterinaire

Click to see larger image of book coverVery large mint hardback of 526 pages covering all aspects of the hobby and bird. Written by the french veterinarian Guy Brasseur. Very well illustrated, particularly concerning pigeon anatomy.
$ 90

Berliner Tummler Erich Klein

Book cover, click for larger image in new window.Book cover, click for larger image in new window.This paperback was published in 1920, but other than the paper tanning is in excellent condition. It is published, and written in German as one would expect, in Germany. There are many photographs of the varies form of Berlin Tumblers, and it is clear that they were flying breeds. The font is very unusual and artistic. A great "read" even for those of us that do not know German.
$125 Excellent condition considering its age.

Pigeons Domestiques et Voyageurs G. Lissot

Click for larger image' There have been many re-issues of the classic work by the most prolific French writer about pigeons. It is the French equivalent of a beginner’s pigeon book, covering all the necessities for successful breeding, including description of the more common breeds found there and how they should look.
$40 Excellent hardback 226pp 1950

Nederlandse Hoogvliergers Oud Hollandse TuimelaarsA. S. Heijboer & R. R. P. van der Mark

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This is a very nice small frame book, just a little over 5x7 providing information of the breeds and how the sport is practiced in the Netherlands. There are a few color photographs, but the majority are in black and white. There is a very good picture of the trap style used there, which is clear enough to copy should one so desire. And yes, the Dutch have some beautiful pigeons.

$9 Mint hardback 1990 96pp.

Tropische Duiven Houden, Versorgen, Fokken R.R.P. van der Mark

Click for larger image In the Dutch (Nederlands) language. A glossy covered paperback pubished in 1983, consisting of 79pp, covering many breeds of small doves.

De Nederlandse Sierduivenrassen R.R.P. van der Mark

Click for larger image A glossy covered paperback in the Dutch (Nederlands) language published in 1966, consisting of 78pp., covering the fancy breeds of found in the Netherlands. In near mint condiiton

Sierduiven in del lage landen R.R.P. van der Mark

Click for larger image The dust jacket while showing wear has performed it's intended task and preserved the book. This hardback, n the Dutch (Nederlands) language, was published.1964 consisting of 112pp, and is in excellent condition. 1st edition

Sierduiven als Liefhebberij R.R. P. van der Mark

Click for larger image A nice hardback explaining the hobby. in the Dutch (Nederlands) language. Very good copy, but does have some damage to the top of the spine as shown in the larger scan and a previous owner's stamp and title translation on the front end papers.

Duiven Gids: Andrew McNeillie Elseviers Duivengids Andrew McNeillie

Click for larger imageIn the Dutch (Nederlands) language. Mint hardback of 157 pages with many color drawings of several breeds.

Rohnfried Courier 97

Click for larger image A racing pigeon magazine published in the Dutch (Nederlands) language.

De Postduif van a-z C.A.M. Spruijt

Book cover, click for larger imageBook cover, click for larger imageThe complete work by Spruit on the Racing homer written in the Dutch (Netherlands) language. This is really a very nice copy of the classic work by the preeminent Dutch author.
$55, Excellent, near mint, hard back with tattered jacket, 531pp 5th edition 1964.

De Kropperrassen C.A.M. Spruijt

Click for larger image In the Dutch (Nederlands) language.1929, 526pp. Excellent condition except the cover which is badly stained as shown on the scan.

De Structuurduiven C.A.M. Spruijt

Click for larger image In the Dutch (Nederlands) language.1931, 626p excellent

Reusen, Kip, Wrat - Vleesch en Seldsame Duiven Rassen C.A.M. Spruijt

Click for larger imageWhile this book does have its corners bumped, it is still in very good condition for its age. There is very little tanning and no foxing to the text pages with only slight foxing on the inside covers. Very nice for a book published in 1927. This book has many black and white photographs and a few colored drawings explaining the larger breeds, which this book covers.. A rather unusual find.


Duivenrassen: C..S.TH Van-Gink

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This is a very nice hardback of 124 pages covering many of the Dutch pigeon breeds. It has aged very well indeed.


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A professionally hardback rebound copy of a paperback from around 1964. It has a previous owner's stamp. Hans-Jeachim Schwarz, but the original cover of the paperback was not bound in so can not be sure of the authors. Being hardbound, the copy is in very good condition. The paper has tanned a bit with age though.

German language

El Santo Abate Michel de Boulogne 1832 (reprint editor Emili Blasco) pb

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This is a collection of poems. A few, for sure are directly related to pigeons.

A couple of verses are translated by me. A spanish speaker could certainly do them more justice. A very interesting addition to any poem or pigeon library. 166 pp

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I talk to them, I greets them. I tell them, that it will not be abrupt and mentions my love.

Everything, very distracted without even looking at them and they listen to my music with confidence.

Come your round sad eyes, the legacy that hides your curve so daring? The dark border what surrounds your eye?

The flower of the retina that grows or shrinks like pebble. What is hidden in the lake? above the funerary tower.elevation remains of a glorious past that now stand outbetween spherical forests.

Vzornik Plemen Holubu: Cermak, Zupka, Kolektiv 1974

Click for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image This is a Czezh book that can be translated to a set of standards for the breed. The title translates to Sampler of Pigeon Breeds

Every breed starts with a title page describing the breeds general characteristics and the following pages, divided into three columns detail the main elements, and faults both major and minor. It has many pages of black and white photos of the actual breeds themselves. With an understanding of pigeon breeds and Google translater, even non speakers of Czechoslovakian can learn what was required of the breed there in 1974. A very good history and comparison tool. 466pp vg hb

G. B. Renaude; L'elevage Pratique Des Pigeons. 1929

Click for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image Another early work from France describing the practice of pigeon breeding, including many of the known breed is France at the time. There are a couple of actual photographs of loft. The breeds themselves are represented by line drawings. Overall in very good condition with minimal foxilng, but unfortunately the page describing Pouters has been ripped more than half way through.. 299 pages Soft cover

Colunba Mitterlunger aus dem Deutschen Taubenmuseum:

Click for larger image Click for larger imageClick for larger imageThese pamphlets cover the history revolving around and about the Pigeon Museum in Germany.


German language

Illustriertes Prachtwrk samtlicher Taubenrassen; Emil Schachtzabel

This is a mint reprint of the 1925 work. It was printed in 2000. It is a grand piece of pigeon work, covering the known breeds in Germany at the time and complete with 104 color plates and adjoining descriptions of the breeds.

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Beijing Pigeon Whistles; Wang Shixiang 1999

Click for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger imageClick for larger image Written in both Chinese and English. The author first wrote the book in 1987 at over 70 years of age, having been an avid fancier of the hobby and craft his entire life. In 1998 two of his colleagues that were well versed in English and the hobby translated the English version of the text. The book goes into specific details on the history, art, and craft of how to make the whistles. But also how to enjoy the hobby by flying the birds with the attached attached.

Wonderfully printed with high quality paper and replete with colored plates of hundreds of varies types of whistles, along with instructions and diagrams of how they ere actually crafted. Clearly, a master piece in the field. There is no match. 112 pages mint hardback

Chinese Boxed Pigeon Book containing two volumes

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This is an incredible set. The books have no English translations so I do not know the author or year of publication, but it is rather new published around 1990. The two volume set is contained in a “box” with a beautiful ceramic “clasp” on metal. From the pictures one can readily ascertain for themselves the range and beauty of pigeons in China. There are a variety of colors, patterns and features that easily match those of western breeds. Many of these are found in known western breed, including the common fantail, but also frillbacks. Ice, a rather uncommon color, is also to be found there. Browsing through these books is delightful.

Colombohilie Moderne

Richard Wittouck: 1898
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He published rather prolifically into the 1920's . He is probably the most authoritative author on the development of the modern racing homer. This edition had 342 pages.

Pargaite publsihed in 1905 is an extended edition of the Moderne. It also deals mostly with racing homers as one might expect from the county of origin of not only the breed, but the sport itself. It is written in French, which is common for the Brussels area while Dutch is more prominent to the south. 400pp

Colombophile Parfaite

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Unsere Tauben: Edmund Zurth

Click for larger image Click for larger imageClick for larger imageA nice hardback covering the tumblers, rollers, and highflyers. Does not provide a publication date, but from the numerous photos is appears to be from around the 1930's 296pp

German language


100 ste Nationale Tentoonstelling: Catalog and Parade: 1997

Click for larger image In the Dutch (Nederlands) language. Two mint paperbacks. One is the Parade Van Nederlandse Rassen at 96 pages and the other is the show catalog at 214 pages.

Teodoro Pascal; Colombi Commestibili E Sprotivei 1910 softcover

This work, one of the few written in Spanish, is dedicated to the sport of pigeon breeding. But all breeds not just racing homers. The covers are soft of imitation leather look and texture . The pages were raged cut and are actually in good condition for the period. However, the binding is completely lose and needs to be professionally rebound, which of course the price reflects. 340 pages SpanishClick for larger image Click for larger image

Handbuch der Taubenrassen: Schutte, Stach, Wolters

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This is the epitome of all pigeon handbooks written by the three most experienced writers and pigeon breeders in Germany. It is massive with over 700 pages filled with accurate up to date German text and photographs of nearly every breed. It is similar to Levi's monumental work of the 1960's, but with the more breed covered and newer printing technology, greatly improved. Even most photographs are in high quality color.

Yet, the best for last. This copy is signed by one of the authors – Stach!

A truly masterful work.

German language