PSJ cover, clicck to contiinue

The American Pigeon Journal or the APJ as it is commonly known started in California in 1913. While it was not the first American magazine devoted to pigeons it was the longest running from 1913- 1994. Alas 1994 only saw one issue, but is still 81 years. A remarkable accomplishment.

As with all of these lively side icons, just give them a click to learn more.


All of the issues for the PSJ for 1913, 1917, 1918, 1921, 1930, 1931, 1933, and 1935 are completed and available for free public download. All but January of 1915, January and February of 1916, February of 1923, April of 1931, and March and August of 1932 are also available. The magazines can be read on line or downloaded and the content searched. Even if you have the hard copies, use these file for research and reading rather than the fragile hard copies.

The years shown below have nearly been completed. The checks with the cracks are only missing an issue or two. Many more years need to be completed. If you have any issues why not lend a hand. Please help keep this accumulated knowledge alive and available to all current and future fanciers.

Together we can do this, John Verburg your host, and will figue it out.Email the pigeoncote host

completedcompletedcompletedcompletedcompleted 1923completedcompletedcompletedcompletedcompleted

Try the brain teaser game

Pigeon Postcards

There are many kinds of pigeon postcards, and they are printed all over the world.

Try the brain teaser game

Memory teaser

This is one of the classic old memory test games, and it uses different pigeon breeds as the subject.  You try to match up each pair of identical birds in the fewest attempts possible. Naturally, should you give up, it will show you all the match pairs. Give it a try, it's just for fun.
Main Medical chapter icon

The Veterinary Advice Section

There are several pages here devoted to the well being of pigeons, including a Medical Formulary for most of the most common pigeon illnesses, tube feeding infants that have lost their parents, how to rescue pigeons, circo virus, and how to prevent illnesses in your loft by using a closed system.


Cook's book of dovecotes

The Pigeon Cote Presents, the fully annotated second edition of Dovecotes of Great Britain. We made our first visit to Great Britain in 1998 to record the dovecotes of old described by Cooke in his work Book of Dovecotes. We were very happy to find that many of the dovecotes he described nearly one hundred years ago were not only still there, but many have found loving sponsors that have maintained them in pristine condition.
In 2006 we made a second trip to try to find some we just didn't have time to get to during our previous five week visit, and we again were well rewarded. It took me until 2008 to prepare all the new material and include it on the updated web site.  We have added a lot of annotation, displayed in green on standard browsers, and many more photographs. Here is a site you can visit time and again with some great colored photography of many of the cotes. Cooke's original work is shown as plain black text so you can easily distinguish Cooke's original work from the annotations provided by so many. Thanks to you all.
Visit the dovecotes of France

Dovecotes of France

In the Fall of 2008 the Pigeoncote hosts explored Brittany, France to record the many dovecotes to be found in that region. The trip covers 19 days and the pages are laid out to make following along easy. Come take a look at the dovecotes of Brittany.
The Pigeon Cote will help you locate a pigeon club in your area.

Find a pigeon club near you

Unfortunately, this list contains only a handful of the hundreds of local pigeon clubs that are available to help you. If you know of a club and would like it listed here, please email John the web page administrator. Email the pigeoncote host
 Visit the Best of the Pigeon Cote

Pigeon Cote Miscellaneous and Archives

The really good stuff on the Pigeon Cote that has with stood the test of time, including of course Dovecotes, National Pigeon Show Slide show, Pigeon Color Slide Show, and a lot more.
Find a Pigeon Show
Want to learn just how a pigeon show works? Well just visit the virtual show. A great way to learn a little more about what goes on at a pigeon show.
Find a pigeon show in your area

Visit an actual pigeon show in your area.

Most pigeon shows are held in the fall of the year, but a few are offered throughout the year. They are generally free to the public, very informative and an entertaining way to see some of these marvelous birds in feather. A great family outing. Check it out to see if there is one in your neighborhood. If there is not, don't despair. You can go to the virtual show.
To have your event listed, and yes it is free, simply email John the site administrator:    Email the pigeoncote host
Visit the bookstore

The Pigeon Cote Bookstore is the place to go:

If you are searching for that affordable gift that any pigeon fancier would appreciate - why not a novel, or a pigeon magazine published the month and perhaps even the year of their birth. We have most months and years available in either the American Pigeon Journal, the Pigeon Debut, the Pigeon Fancier, and others. Just browse the Pigeon Cote bookstore. There is a tremendous selection. Not just magazines and novels about pigeons, but many of the best books in the field, including children's books, antique books, and those detailing specific breeds. Most are in English but there are foreign publications as well. There are also to do books from basic to advanced, covering medical help, pigeons use in war, and of course dovecotes. You will be surprised to see just how many books and magazines there are on such an "arcane" subject.
Email the pigeoncote host Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Email me host, John Verburg.

Constructed February 24, 1996
Providing continuous service for more than 29 years
Last day edited ,March 18, 2025

Public Domain Mark
This work (Pigeoncote, by John Verburg), is free of known copyright restrictions.