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Pigeon Show
NPA Grand National: 1997

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The Carneau:

The Carneau is another very large pigeon and was originally, as was the Runt, a squabbing breed. This means it was raised for food, similar to chicken, but oh so much better. Not many people raise pigeons for meat anymore, devoting their attention to the sheer beauty of the bird instead.
This bird's color is called recessive red, and is a very dark brick red color. It is a young hen, band number 501, and was raised by Marvin L. Angle. It was the champion Carneau exhibited at the show, winning over all other Carneaus, young, old, hen, or cock.

The Shows:

Each bird exhibited at the show must have a band attached to its leg. You can see it in this picture on the right leg. This band is put on when the bird is very young, between 7 and 10 days old, and cannot be removed after it has grown in about two weeks . It is, in a way, a proof of ownership. Each number is unique, and registered to its breeder. By convention, only the number is reported in show reports, but the bands have more information on them than just the number.

The Standard
The Standard
