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Canned Squabs
Frank Hollman
American Pigeon Journal April 1928

Dressed Squabs

How many of our readers have ever heard of canned squab? We doubt whether this subject has been given very much consideration by pigeon breeders or by the general public. But the canning of Whole Squab is exactly what is being done at the present time by the Louis Johann Canning Company of Collinsville, Illinois. In a recent interview with Louis Johann, the proprietor, the writer learned that he had spent more than two years experimenting with different methods of canning squabs and that not until last November had he been able to successfully perfect a special process to can whole squabs. It is therefore being placed on the market under the name of EL-JAY Whole Squabs.

Prior to this time the medical profession, hospitals and sanitariums were confronted with the problem of obtaining at all seasons of the year a supply of different health bringing food. While it is true that squabs can be purchased in the market, yet during a part of the year only cold storage squabs are available to the public. For that reason, Mr. Johann conceived the idea of placing on the market fresh prepared squabs in tin cans, something that is entirely new. So delicious is their flavor that it would require an expert to tell the difference between Mr. Johann's canned squabs and fresh killed squabs.

In discussing this new project with Mr. Johann, we learn that he is most enthusiastic as to its possibilities and is in position to speak with authority on the subject. In order to learn more of this product we asked him to enumerate some of the advantages of canned squab. He gave three distinct advantages:

Mr. Johann is very well prepared to place this new product on the market. It is especially designed for use in hotels, hospitals, sanitariums, delicatessens, restaurants and for home use. No longer will it be necessary to do without squabs on account of lack of cold storage facilities. They can be purchased in tin cans, ready to serve either for banquet use or for medical use at a very reasonable price. While we do not know the exact price at which the canned product will sell, yet we understand that it will probably retail at $1.50 for No. 2 can containing a whole squab.

Mr. Johann will distribute his product through the large wholesale grocery firms and also direct by mail. Many of the hospitals and sanitariums are placing their orders direct with Mr. Johann.

When asked as to the possibilities of the use of canned squabs, Mr. Johann replied: "Squabs are unusually beneficial to both the sick and healthy. They contain an abundance of the most nourishing and vitalizing fluid known to humanity, liquid protoplasm. This is a semi-liquid albuminous substance regarded as the ultimate basis of physical life from which all living organisms are formed and developed."

"What makes canned squab so beneficial to the health of body and mind? "To this question Mr. Johann immediately replied, "Squabs contain in large qualities four important elements, lecithin for the nervous systems; Phosphorus for the brain; protoplasm for the brain and nerves and protein a body builder."

The product is being placed on the market under a very attractive label and each label and contains the following interesting data:


Food Value of EL JAY BRAND WHOLE SQUAB 390 Calories to 100 Grams of Squab Meat. Each Squab contains from 4 to 6 ounces of Liquid Protoplasm. Squabs contain more Phosphorus than any other known food. Squabs are rich in Lecithin, the chief compound of the nervous system. Squabs are highly recommended for stomach ailments, nervous diseases, tuberculosis and will help build up weak and rundown constitutions. Rich in Protein and very easily digested.

The directions as to the use of the squabs are very simple. "Place Can in Hot Water for Fifteen Minutes, then Open and Serve. "Canned squab can be served in every way that fresh killed squab is served. The liquid in each can also makes a rich gravy or broth for invalids or convalescents.

Louis Johann himself is a very interesting personality. While rather youthful in appearance he is a man who has had much experience in the successful marketing of canned products. For a number of years he has successfully canned tomatoes and string beans and during the busy season employs more than fifty people in his canning plant at Collinsville, ILL. With the addition of canned squabs to his list of products he hopes within a short time to be canning at least 1000 squabs a week and probably later his production will run to 100,000 canned squabs annually.

Mr. Johann is not at all worried as to the marketing of his product but is just a little in doubt if he can actually get a sufficient supply of first-class plump squabs weighing a pound each dressed at market age within a radius of 100 miles of St. Louis. It is true that there arc quite a large number of squab breeders in this section of the United States but we seriously doubt whether they can supply sufficient quantity of squabs of good enough quality to meet Mr. Johann's requirements.

We asked what price he was willing to pay, in reply to which he enthusiastically answered: "I will pay 65c per pound alive the year around for all squabs that reach me in good condition."

With the possibility of squabs being canned in large quantities in the Central West, we predict that a new era for the squab industry is at hand. With a national advertising campaign for squabs and with a reliable firm placing them on the market, we feel sure that the squab breeders of America have every reason to feel hopeful for the future.

Mr. Johann is very much in accord with the plan of advertising as outlined by Mr. Hazard and predicts that such a campaign would mean far reaching benefits to every producer of squabs in America.

We wish Mr. Johann much success and predict that it will only be a matter of time until every up-to-date physician will recommend EL JAY Whole Squab for his patients. Steamship lines, dining cars, hotels, restaurants, hospitals and sanitariums will now be able to keep on hand the year round a full supply of whole squabs to take care of all emergencies.

Every pigeon breeder can do the squab industry and himself a world of good by giving this new product a trial and saying a good word for it.