The Seraphim: NPA Standard 1993

The Seraphim (pronounced sara-fim) are the white angels of the pigeon fancy.
They are unusual in that they are all genetically recessive red and recessive
yellow birds. They become entirely white in their first molt because of the
"whitesides" trait that they carry (some birds take two molts to lose every
colored feather and this is acceptable). Because of the purity and grace
of their lines and because of the "miraculous" way in which they become white
(of course it's genetics), they are appropriately named after the angels
that are said to guard God's throne.
When stationing, the Seraphim have a slim appearance. The head is held high,
the tail low and the chest is projected upward and forward which causes the
frill to become very pronounced. As is appropriate for an angel, the wings
are well defined and clearly delineated from the body (there is a dramatic
separation between the wing butt and the chest). The feet of the Seraphim
give further proof that these birds are angels, because each toe is covered
with just enough feathers to create the appearance of a white star.
Other than the color, the head is the most important feature of the Seraphim.
Its graceful, noble curves leave no doubt that this bird is a heavenly creation.
The curve from the beak to the peak is smooth, uninterrupted and elegant.
The beak, which is soft pink in color, is not to be filed at it is perfectly
proportioned to look beautiful and be fully adequate to feed young. The wattle
is smooth and a whitish pink color so it does not detract from the clean
line of the head. The eye is bull, the eye cere is small, unobtrusive and
almost white.
The peak should be a perfect needle point with a full, arching
mane that leads to a sleek, convex back (visible when the bird is stationed
properly or tightly "pulled up").
HEAD ( 25 pts.): Faults - Flat (lack of swoop), peak too low, boxy head,
frontal too prominent, beak too small.
PEAK (20 pts.): Faults - Tufted peak, twisted peak, flat peak (shell crest),
peak set too high or too low.
FRILL (15 pts.): Faults - Too little frill, frill too short, too wide or
EYE COLOR (10 pts.): Faults - Light eye, orange eye.
BODY COLOR (10 pts.): Faults - Failure to molt to white in two years; color
other than recessive red or recessive yellow is unacceptable.
MUFF (5 pts.): Faults - Too much ankle feathering, too much or too little
toe feathering (exposed toes).
STATION (5 pts.): Faults - Refusal to station or "pull up" which shows wing
separation and convex back.
MANE (5 pts.): Faults - Break in mane.
CONDITION (5 pts.): Faults - Poor condition.
Breeders of the Seraphim are seeking to achieve official recognition of the
breed by the NPA. Breeders interested in joining this effort should call