The Hungarian: NPA Standard 1993:
HEAD: Rather long with finely, curved, rounding skull, giving a trim,
neat appearance.
BEAK: Moderately long, stout, and tapering with a slight downward curve as
it approaches the tip end" showing a waxed appearance or flesh color.
WATTLES: Small, neat, and smooth.
EYES: Round, of moderate size, in proportion to size of the head. Color:
EYE CERE: Neat and fine in texture, not too large. Color: red.
NECK: Long, erect of good proportions, showing fullness where it joins the
WINGS: Short, and broad, carried well and close to the body. The wing butts
should blend smoothly with the chest. The flights should lie on the tail,
with the tips touching.
BACK: Rather short, broad, and straight with exception of slight elevation
at rump.
SHOULDERS: Rather wide, showing fullness and strength.
TAIL: Should be about one-half inch longer than the flights, and carried
at an elevation of 45 degrees.
BREAST: Broad, deep in keel and well rounded, showing an abundance of the
BODY: Very little more in length than width, making it look square as possible.
A very large, heavy-bodied, close-feathered bird is what is wanted.
SHANKS AND TOES: Long, of good size and free from feathers. Color: red.
PLUMAGE: A glossy appearance, showing iridescence on the colored feathers
of the neck and bib.
HEIGHT: 14 inches.
MARKINGS: An even narrow white strip starting at the center of the wattles
and running over the crown of the head, down the neck, widening as it passes
the crown. The colored feathers of the neck should from an even line" running
down the side of the neck toward the junction of the wing and the body. About
'/, inch from the top edge of he wing, it turns slightly" passing just in
front of the wings butts. It curves rapidly towards the center of the breast
and not quite covering the crop, forming a pear-shaped bib. The wing and
tail coverts should be the same color as the bib. The wings having 8 to 10
white flights an equal number on both sides. The balance of the body,
including the rump and thighs, should be pure white.
COLORS: Black, red, yellow, brown, black barred blue, white barred blue,
brown barred silver, white barred silver, two bars on wings and one on tail.
Blue check, black check, brown check, silver check, and non classified colors.
Old Cock 28
Old Hen 26
Young Cock 26
Young Hen 24
Type, Carriage, Construction, Size 30
Markings . . 25
Color ..... 25
Eyes . . . 10
Condition . . 10
A white back is desirable, also a bib free from connections with the wings.
An over-sized bird is better than an under-sized bird. Faults that we should
work away from are: Stains on beak, broken eyes, colored rumps, and crooked
breast bone. No Hungarian should be disqualified for the removal of foul
feathers unless the outer edge is bobbed, which ruins the looks of the bird.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: Sickness, or deformity, solid black beak, solid bull eye
and bobbing of feathers. Bib closed on both sides. Solid colored head. Two
cracked eyes. Split or wry tails.