Pouters and Croppers are two rather distinct family branches in the pigeon family.  They all share a rather enlarged crop that they blow up while cooing and strutting.  
The Pouters are a very interesting group of pigeons consisting of many varities. One thing they all share in common is an enhanced globe.  There are specialty clubs that promote this variety all over the world.  

The Voorburg Cropper is a fairly new breed by pigeon standards, being "created" in 1935 by Theodore Van Gink of the Netherlands. It was made by selective crossing of several other breeds, including the Norwich Cropper, Pigmy Pouter, Brunner Pouter, Swing Pouter, Smerle, and Shield marked Toy Pigeons.  

The Saxon Pouter is a medium sized, muffed pouter with upright stance and gorgeous color. Originating in the German state of Saxony the color most often associated with the Saxon is Isabel (see photo by following link), which is a light creamy yellow with white bars. The color is to be uniform over the entire body. The only white allowed on Saxons is white barring. The Saxon Pouter exists in the U.S. but only a moderate number of supporters.

A fairly recent addition to the pouter family is the Bavarian Pouter. Developed in the German state of Bavaria by Karl Zausinger in the late 1950s and early 1960s this unique breed bears a strong resemblence to the Hana Pouter and Saxon Pouter. Differences are a less developed foot feathering and the white flighted gazzi marking found on all Bavarians. The list of colors found in the Bavarian is quite extensive with most colors being available.

You can see the pouter/cropper family trait here again in the Pomerian Pouter--the neck blown up into a large balloon. But there are a more than a few differences between the Voorburg Cropper and the Pomeranian Pouter.  The two most noticable are the markings and the feathering on the feet. This pouter variety originated in the Pomerania section of Germany. It is a direct descendant of the Dutch Cropper and was developed by breeders who favored longer legged pouters with an upright carriage.  
Ghent Ghent cropper coming soon, but for now just follw the link
Pigmy With the Pigmy we have a bird that is more friendly and sociable than any other; a bird whose individual points are possibly more numerous than those of any fancy pigeon, and one that, when judged, has to go through its paces in the walking pen, and stand or fall by the way it carries itself before the judge.

Brunner Pouter The Brunner is the smallest of the pouter family. Originating in Czechoslovakia it is very fine boned, has a delightful personality, can be bred in a wide variety of colors, and is clean legged. The globe (inflated crop) should be round on the Brunner giving nearly the appearance of a ball on a stick
Hana Hanna, more coming soon.  Do you have some information or snaps you would like to share?
Holle The Holle is one of the family of croppers from the Netherlands.  Do you have some information or snaps you would like to share?
Elster The Elster is another example of the family of croppers.  Do you have more information or snaps you would like to share?
Norwich The Norwhich is another example of the family of croppers.  I believe it to have the largest globe of all the pouter/cropper breeds.  Do you have more information or snaps you would like to share?
Reversewing The Reverse Wing is another example of the family of croppers.  Do you have more information or snaps you would like to share?
Old Holland The Old Holland is another example of the family of croppers.  Do you have more information or snaps you would like to share?
Do you have another cropper breed you would like more information about placed here on the Pigeon Cote web site?