The Voorburg Cropper: NPA Standard 1993
The Voorburg Shield Cropper is a recent breed developed in the Netherlands
in 1935 by C.S. Theodore Van Gink. It is an upright, lively Cropper, midway
in size between the Brunner Pouter and the Norwich Cropper. Noted for its
friendly disposition and graceful action, it is rather tall and slender with
a medium-size, rounded globe.
CARRIAGE AND ACTION (20 pus.): Unconstrained, smooth and frolicsome, with
a lively bump of curiosity, it stands and moves in an upright position with
the eyes directly over the center of the feet. When courting, the cock spreads
its tail in a fan-like manner and moves in a hopping motion; the hen, when
flirting,, may behave similarly. In flight, both sexes clap their wings above
their backs. The Voorburg Shield Cropper is a very friendly, animated pigeon
that is quite responsive to human voices and attention. In show condition,
it should give a constant, active performance.
GLOBE (20 pus.): Medium size, nicely rounded at the top and rising smoothly
from the waist and shoulders with a noticeable back globe. The globe should
not be over-inflated so that the bird's head is forced backwards, but should
be comfortable and easily handled as the bird moves. It should be smooth
and evenly balanced with a definite sheen on the white feathering.
BODY (20 pus.): Slender by firm with a long, slightly narrow breast, a flat
or nearly flat keel, and wing butts carried high enough to form a slightly
hollow back. The general impression is slim, neat, and straight from both
side and back views.
HEAD, NECK BEAK, AND EYE8 (10 pt .): The head is dove-like with a somewhat
high forehead and is carried in the back-center of the globe with straight-ahead
vision over the globe. The neck must be long enough to handle the globe
gracefully. The beak is medium in length and flesh-colored. The wattle are
small, fine-textured, and powdery white. The eyes are bull with narrow,
gray-white cores.
LEGS, TAIL, AND WINGS (10 pts The legs are medium-long, straight from both
front and side views, placed fairly close together without touching. They
are clean of feathers with bright red shanks and feet. The tail is tightly
folded when no in courting action and clears the ground when the bird stands
upright. The wings are medium length, narrow, and carried high enough to
show the waist and upper thighs. The flight tips rest on top of the tail
just short of the tail end, while the shoulders are carried high and pressed
firmly against the body.
COLOR, MARKINGS, & FEATHER (20 pus.): The plumage is hard,
dense, and tight-fitting with little or no down in the thigh and vent area.
The Voorburg Shield Cropper, as the name implies, is entirely white except
for the wing shields, which must be completely colored, including the wings
bows and thumbs, with no less than 7 nor more than 10 white flights on each
side, with the flights symmetrical, i.e., 10 X 10, not 10 X 7. Any known
pigeon color is allowable with or without bars or checkers. The color must
be clear, deep, rich, and even throughout the wing shield.
FAULTS: Lack of globe, or unevenness or lumpiness of globe. Too big or heavy
in body or conversely too slight or small in body. Short, crooked or crouching
legs. Horizontal or less than upright posture. Lack of animation or performance.
Colored feathers outside the wing shield or conversely, white feathers in
the wing shield (unless the bird is clearly splashed, in which case the white
feathers must be evenly distributed throughout the shield). Red or pink eye
cores, eyes other than bull. Over-inflation of globe forcing the beak upward.
Extensive foot feathering (slippers or muffs).