The Komorner |
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Distance played a vital role in the past where the development
of a breed was concerned. Nowadays, as the world is getting smaller with
the modern ways of traveling, it is interesting thing to watch, how the type
of a breed developed without any large scale contact between the fanciers
over vast distances . The subject of this little article is the Komorner
Tumbler and as indicated, its type and color classes on both sides of the
Atlantic. I saw for the first time a photo of an
American style KT in
one of our German magazines. I was quite impressed by the large differences
between the Komorners I have seen on German shows.
When comparing old pictures of KTs taken after WW II here in Germany and the pictures in Levi's book "The Pigeon" the difference is not that large, after all the pictures hail from the same era. But the breed has under-gone great changes here in Germany and other European countries because of standard desires and therefore strict selection towards a certain aim. The desire of European KT breeders leans towards full, round heads, the beak blending into this gentle arc. |
Some American breeders have stated, that the head of the European
KT would resemble the head of an
ELFCL, but this is for
sure not true. The eye is rather large for this head surrounded by an intense
red colored cere. The
Magpies always have bull
eyes, the other varieties must have eyes of pearl color. An exception
to this rule are the self
white birds: the are accepted with either bull or pearl eyes.
American KTs are longer
in the beak and also the head, which is of elongated round shape. For
the European KT the US KT breeders have put out a name of its own: Shortfaced
Komorner. A true name, because feeders are used in most European KTs.
Another difference lies in the crest of the birds: the
American standard drawing
shows a bird of upright stance, with blocky body and an enormously large
crest with rosettes. It seems to me like the crest complex of the American
KT goes near the ornaments of the
Old Dutch Capuchine,
even if this comparison might be a bit extreme. The German standard drawing is more realistic in this point. When comparing the US standard drawing to birds I have seen on photographs, the birds on the photos all look rather long in the back part of the body, all not sloping down that steeply as shown on the desired ideal. The birds I have seen on photographs seem to me like they still lean towards the type of bird shown in Levi's book, even if there are differences. For sure, the standard drawing represents a desired ideal, an aim which has to be accomplished by the breeders in their selection process. Other differences are of course found in the colors, this is in my opinion also caused by a different "state of mind" on behalf of color breeding and the introduction of new factors into a present breed in for example America and Germany.