You should consider this your pigeon breeds primer.  A wide variety of breeds are covered from many different types of breed families.   Generally, pigeon breeds are divided into families such as squabbing, sporting, color, pouter, owl, structure, and  voice.  They do overlap and breeds are often classed in other ways such as rare or area of origin.  Here at the Pigeon Cote, we have decided to use a modified approach.

Old German Owl

The Old German Owl is becoming a very popular breed in the States. As you can see from the icons to the side, the breed does have a specialty club and a working standard of perfections.  Its manner is very friendly and is very easy to breed, bringing up its own young very well. Old German Owl Club Old German Owl Standard
Trumpeter In the Trumpeter we have a curious variety of pigeon, distinguished by the peculiar sound of it's voice. The Germans call it the drummer and the English and Americans the trumpeter. Originally the Trumpeter came from Bokhara in Central Asia, by way of Russia, where it is still extensively bred, which probably accounts for the fact that it was named Russian Trumpeter. Follow the Standard link at the left to listen to this unusual voice on this unusual pigeon: Old German Owl Club
See a larger picture of the American Fantail. This is a Fantail and while originating in India, it is now split into several separate breeds. The "original" is now called the Indian Fantail while the one pictured at the side is simply called Fantail and was developed in Scotland and England.   American Fantail Standard

Click picture for larger picture of the Jacobin.

The Jacobin is one of many very old domestic pigeon breeds. Some accounts place the origin of the breed in India, while others say Cyprus. What can be established is that by the 16th century, Jacobins had arrived in Europe to stay, and became the bird of the aristocracy.

Link to Pigeon Club

Jacobin Standard

Click the picture for a larger picture of the Capachin.

The Dutch Capuchin did not in fact originate in the Netherlands, but was further developed and refined there. The breed nearly died out during the Second World War, but Dutch fanciers brought it back from the brink or extinction. Capachine Standard


The Komorner Tumbler is another breed originating in Germany. The Komorner is now a popular breed in many parts of the world, including the United States.  Some pronounced differences have developed between the vanities breed in different countries. Komorner Standard


Carriers are among the oldest fancy breeds.  Carriers are descendants of the old "homing" pigeons of Persia, where they were used to carry messages.  A fellow named Aldrovandi described them as early as 1610.  Charles Darwin also spoke of the Carrier in his famous work Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication.   Carrier Standard


The Modena was originally used for kit flying. It originated in Italy in the town of, what else, Modena during the 1300s. In 1328 there was an statue in Modena, detailing the competition flying rules, for this breed. The breed was imported into Germany in 1876 and shortly thereafter into England and the States.   Modenan Standard


It is impossible to determine the definitive origin of the Damascene. Damascenes, or Mahomets, as they are often referred to in early written and oral accounts, are mentioned on Egyptian papyrus rolls and stone carvings.  It is commonly believed that the Damascene originated in Damascus, Syria, but there are indications that the breed might have been developed in either Turkey or Iran (Persia).   Damascene Standard


One of the most brilliantly colored of all pigeons  is the Archangel/Gimpel. It is a member of the German Color Pigeon Group, at times also refered to as the German Toy Group.  This small, slender, elegant bird is a feast for the eyes in any cote even though it is a bit skittish. Dragoon Club Archangel Standard


Foot soldier, or flying serpent? A case could be made for either, depending on one's interpretation of the bird's demeanor. Some see the military bearing of the king's dragoons; others see the eye and expression of the dragon slain by Saint George. (Picture the wings spread, the blazing eyes and fire roaring out of a gaping mouth and it is not hard to envision the latter.) Dragoon Club Dragoon Standard

Helmets are a classic old breed and have several variations within the breed.  While all member of the breed sport the distinctive color markings of a colored tail and cap (helmet), the crest and beak vary considerable between varieties.  Some types even have feathers on their feet. USDragoon Club

AULink to Pigeon Club


The Nun is a short, cobby and well balanced pigeon, of medium size, with a sprightly and upright in carriage. It has a full, wide. well rounded, protruding breast, short legs,  and small feet.  The head, bib, tail and ten primary flights on each side colored. The crest shell and rest of the body pure white. You can learn a bit more about this breed from the specialty club links located in Australia, and the United States. USDragoon Club  
Egyptian Swift The Egyptian Swift group of pigeons is made up of at least 10 distinct families of pigeons.  The following link takes you to a page devoted to this particular breed in the 10 most important variation of  this breed group.